Home Lifestyle 9 out of 10 people couldn’t figure it out. How about you??

9 out of 10 people couldn’t figure it out. How about you??

In This riddle, you’ll meet Jim the six-foot man who works at the butcher shop. The riddle reads as follows: “Jim is 6 feet tall. He works at the butcher shop and wears size 10 shoes. What does he weigh?”

The solution’s below. So, if you want to give it one more crack before you see the exact result, don’t keep scrolling.

You’ll regret it.

Stop it.

This is your last chance.

Here’s a hint. Jim’s height and the size of shoes he wears don’t matter. Focus on his workplace to solve the riddle!




Are you ready for the answer?

The answer is MEAT! Jim weighs meat all the time because he works at the butcher shop.


Riddle for Genius: a woman has 6 daughters

Everyone loves to solve riddles and teasers. Recently, that’s what happened on the internet and social media. The nerds, geeks, and just about everyone who loves a good riddle was forced to confront “a woman has 6 daughters riddle“.

We are going to share it below and implore you to put on your thinking cap and come up with the correct answer.

A woman has six daughters, each daughter has a brother. How many children does the woman have?

How many children does the woman have?







Okay, always the key to solve any riddle is to read it carefully. Many people think the right answer is 12 (twelve), 6= the daughters. 6= the brothers. 6 + 6 =12.

but in reality, it’s not the case, the correct answer is 7 (seven). 6= the daughters the woman had. 1= the brother. All the daughters have a brother (same shared brother).