Home Lifestyle Find The 8 In Just 70 Seconds! (7 Puzzles)

Find The 8 In Just 70 Seconds! (7 Puzzles)

Find The 8 In Just 60 Seconds! (7 Puzzles)

Taking tests like these is great for keeping your mind active! Can you spot the odd one out in all levels of this visual quiz? If you can, congratulations! Only 5% of the population has a visual perception as good as you.

Here’s the picture. Can you find the odd one out?

Find the 8!

1. Find the 8:

2. Find the 8:

3. Find the 8:

Did you find all the answers? How long did it take? So far so good? Are your eyes getting tired now?

4. Find the 8:

5. Find the 8:

6. Find the 8:

Tougher than you thought it was? Few more questions to go! Keep your head up! We hope that you’re doing well so far! Ok, break time’s over, moving on!

7. Find the 8:

Can you find the odd one out in just 60 seconds? Was that too easy for you? Only 5% of the population has a visual perception as good as you.

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