Home Lifestyle A man walked into a bar and asked the bartender.

A man walked into a bar and asked the bartender.

A man walked into a bar. He sat down and asked the bartender, “If I can impress you, can I have a free drink?” 

The bartender said of course, so the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny piano.

Then he pulled out a small rat and set it by the piano.

It crawled onto the bench and began playing music.

The bartender didn’t think it was possible, so he agreed.

The bartender was amazed so he gave the man a beer.

Then the man said, “If I impress you even more, can I have free drinks for life?” ”

The bartender didn’t think it was possible so he agreed.

The man pulled a frog out of his pocket, and it began to sing by the piano.

The bartender smiled and told the man he was impressed.

A man in a suit with a cane walked into the bar, saw the small animals, and offered to buy them for $2 million.

The owner said no, but he offered to sell the frog for $500,000.

The rich man agreed, took the frog, and left.

The bartender couldn’t believe the owner just did that and said, “Why did you just sell the frog?! There is no singer now!”

The owner laughed and said, “Don’t worry, the rat is a ventriloquist.”


A bear, a moose, a fox, a wolf, and a snail were playing cards around a table

A bear, a moose, a fox, a wolf, and a snail were playing cards at a table.

Suddenly, the bear let out a faint roar and said, “Guys, I’m hungry. Could someone go buy some chocolate, or whatever?”

The moose shook his head and nodded towards the fox, who angrily slapped its little paw on the table and muttered, “Why me?” Why can’t the wolf do it?”

But the snail bravely interrupted the conversation before it got out of hand, “Guys, guys! There’s no reason to fight. I’ll go.”

The bear smiled a little and handed the snail a few dollars rolled up from his pockets, “Thanks, man. I really appreciate that. While you’re at it, buy something to drink, will ya?”

The snail winked, grabbed the money, and briskly started to make his way out the door. Half an hour went by… An hour… An hour and a half… Almost two hours…

At last, the bear snapped, dropped his cards to the floor, and yelled, “Hey, you know what? I think the little took the money and just left!”

A small yet fierce scream then came from near the door, “If you’re gonna start insulting me, I’m not leaving at all!”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!

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