Home Lifestyle One mamma cow and four baby calves.

One mamma cow and four baby calves.

There are five cows, a momma cow, and four baby calves on a farm.

The first baby comes up to the mom and asks, “Momma, why am I called Rose?”

The mommy cow replies, “Well, honey, a rose petal fell on your head when you were born.”

The next calf walks up to the mom and asks, “Momma, why is my name Lily?”

The mommy cow replies, “Because honey, a lily petal fell on your head when you were born.”

The third baby comes up and asks, “Momma, why is my name Daisy?”

The mommy cow replies again, “Well, when you were born a daisy petal fell on your head.”

The final baby walks over and says, “Huh Ruh Buh Duh!”

The momma cow says, “Honey, shut up, Cinderblock!”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day! 

A Man And His Dog Walk Into A Pub.

A man and his dog walk into a pub.

The landlord said, “Sorry, we don’t allow pets in here.”

The man replied, “But my dog can talk. Will you let him in if he talks?

The landlord chuckled, shook his head saying, “Yeah, sure, why not?”

The man looked at his dog and smiled, “Alright! What’s on the outside of a tree?”

The dog said, “Bark”.

“What’s on top of a house?”, he asked next.

“Roof!” the dog responded.

“What’s the opposite of smooth?”, he finally said.

“Ruff! said the dog.

The landlord snapped and stamped his feet on the ground saying, “That’s it. Get out of my bar.”

The man sighed and walked out of the bar with his dog.

Outside the pub, the man shouted at the dog saying, “What the hell was that?!”

“Yeah, I know, I’m sorry,” the dog said.


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!! 

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