Home Lifestyle The endless hair debate.

The endless hair debate.


Wife: Can I cut my hair and make it short?

Husband: Cut it

W: I took lot of efforts to grow it long..

H: Then don’t cut it

W: They say short hair is the fashion these days..

H: Then cut it

W: What if the fashion changes after I cut?

H: Then don’t cut it

W: All my friends say that I will look beautiful with a short hair..

H: Then cut it

W: But I doubt whether short hair will suit my small face..

H: Then don’t cut it

W: But short hair is very easy to manage..

H: Then cut it

W: But how can I wear flowers in my hair. I love to wear flowers.

H: Then don’t cut it

W: I think there is nothing wrong in trying once…

H: Then cut it

W: But it may take a long time to grow hair again.

H: Then don’t cut it

W: Still I feel like giving it a try once

H: Then cut it

W: If I look ugly after cutting my hair ….

H: Then don’t cut it


The husband is undergoing treatment in a mental hospital presently. He doesn’t speak anything except two sentences. “Then cut it” and “Then don’t cut it.”

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