Home Lifestyle A blonde sitting backward on the train.

A blonde sitting backward on the train.

The blonde wife came home from her first day commuting into the city.

Her husband noticed she was looking a little peaked and asked, “Honey, are you feeling all right?”

“Not really,” she replied.

“I’m nauseated from sitting backward on the train.”

“Poor dear,” he said. “Why didn’t you ask the person sitting across from you to switch seats for a while?”

“I couldn’t,” she replied, “there was no one there.”

Two fishermen decided to mark a spot.

Two fishermen, Paul and Jim, decided to rent a boat on a lake for their favorite sport. After fishing for 4 hours at various places around the lake with no luck at all they decided to try one more spot before calling it quits.

Suddenly, they caught a lot of fish in 20 minutes. and decided to mark the spot to know the situation next time.

Paul said that they should mark this spot to know where to come next time

Jim says a good idea, and he took out a can of spray paint and made a large X on the floor of the boat to mark the spot.

With that Paul says, why did you do that, now anyone who rents this boat will know where to to fish.

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