Home Lifestyle A couple was having dinner at a very fancy restaurant

A couple was having dinner at a very fancy restaurant

A couple was having dinner at a very fancy restaurant when a young beautiful woman comes over to their table, gives the husband a big open-mouthed kiss and hug, then says she’ll see him later, and walks away.

The wife glares at her husband and says, “OMG, Who the hell was that?”

“Oh,” replies the husband, “she’s my mistress.”

“Well, that’s the last straw,” says the wife. “I’ve had enough, I want a divorce!”

“I can understand that, but remember, if we get a divorce it will mean no more shopping trips to Paris, no more wintering in Barbados, no more summers in Tuscany, no more Infiniti or Lexus in the garage, and no more yacht club. But the decision is yours.”

Just then, a mutual friend enters the restaurant with a gorgeous woman on his arm.

“Who’s that woman with Jim?” asks the wife.

“That’s his mistress,” says her husband.



“Ours is prettier,” she replies.

A bum asked a man to give him $2 for dinner

A man was walking in the city when he was accosted by a particularly bum who asked him for a couple of dollars for dinner.

The man took out his wallet, extracted two dollars, and asked, “If I gave you this money, will you take it and buy whiskey?”

“No, I stopped drinking years ago,” the bum said.

“Will you use it to gamble?”

“I don’t gamble. I need everything I can get just to stay alive.”

“Will you spend the money on golf?”

“I haven’t played golf in 20 years!”

The man said, “Instead of giving you $2, I’m going to take you to my home for a dinner cooked by my wife.”

The bum was surprised. “Won’t your wife be angry with you for bringing me to your home? I know I’m dirty, and I probably smell pretty bad.”



The man replied, “That’s okay. I just want her to see what a man who’s given up drinking, gambling, and golf looks like.”

LoLLLL, did you laugh? did you read this joke before?


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