Home Lifestyle A Great Psychologist’s Test: Which Door Are You Afraid To Enter?

A Great Psychologist’s Test: Which Door Are You Afraid To Enter?

If you want to take a better look into your own personality and barriers, look at these photos and decide which door frightens you the most:





You are a very intelligent and analytical person and you don’t mind seeing things as they are. Your values are most important to you, and you expect others to think the same. The wall covered in wallpaper indicates that you have raised emotional and spiritual walls, and this makes you hard to reach out to. But the light is a sign that you’re willing to take down these walls, at least for a few close but real friends. The treasure you are looking for is emotional satisfaction, and what you need is to connect with someone emotionally, not just intellectually.


The stairs that lead to a cellar or attic show that you’re free and like enjoying life. This image symbolizes the fear of being buried, i.e. your fear of death and not knowing what’s coming. The treasure you are looking for is good health, so you need to eat well, exercise, and take care of yourself. You think too much, but you love life, you love yourself and you will surely find your treasure.


If you chose the Ice Cave, it’s probably because you’ve been looking for emotional warmth for a long time. You are afraid of feelings like sadness and disappointment and prefer to be alone. But it also means that you are probably living a beautiful period of your life, you know what you want and what makes you happy. You are a person with great values and appreciate independence and freedom. The treasure you are looking for is love, both romantic and platonic.


The decrepit house is your worst nightmare. You are a generous person who always listens to others. You are loyal and honest, but not everyone appreciates it. A house is a symbol of love and security, so seeing it in ruins means bankruptcy. The fear of a house means that the treasure you are looking for is wealth. You know that to get it, you’re going to have to work hard. But, you mustn’t forget that the people you love don’t really need the material objects, but your love and support.


The fear of entering a tunnel means that you need to examine your emotions. You are intelligent and emotional. The water indicates that your mind needs to be clarified in order to better see and understand your thoughts. You need to stop worrying about the problems and start seeking a solution. The treasure you are looking for is confidence, and to solve the problems you need to express your feelings. You must remember that at the end of the tunnel, things are much clearer.


The blue door with chains means a couple of things: The color blue is the color of the sky and symbolizes stability. You are productive and achieve the difficult goals you set for yourself. You are creative and very good at problem-solving because you are a good leader and you do your best. The treasure you are looking for is comfort. You mustn’t devote yourself to work too much, you have to take a rest and enjoy the simpler things in life.

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