Home Lifestyle A housewife buys a parrot to keep her company during the day.

A housewife buys a parrot to keep her company during the day.

A housewife buys a parrot to keep her company during the day.

The clerk warns that the parrot was donated by a “bad place”, where he may have picked up some colorful language.

The housewife doesn’t mind and brings the parrot home.
When she uncovers the cage, the parrot says,”

“Brawkk! New Madam. Hello Madam.”

When her three daughters come home from school, the parrot says,

“Brawkk! New Girls. Hello Girls.”

Finally, her husband, Phil, comes home from work, just in time for dinner.

When he walks past the parrot, the parrot says,




“Brawkk! Hi Phil!”

the next day, the parrot...

we hope it makes your day, you are loved <3

A blonde want to feed her goldfish.

A blonde bought some goldfish.

A blonde bought some goldfish.

But she did not know how to feed them.

She called her brunette friend for help.

Once they were done feeding them, the blonde said,





”Now, what do I give them to drink?”

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