Home Lifestyle A little boy goes on a school field trip to a museum

A little boy goes on a school field trip to a museum

A class goes on a school field trip to a museum.

A little boy breaks a vase and then reads about its history.

He pretends it never happened.

The school went on with the field trip until security stopped the boy and confronted him.

The teacher asks the boy, “Why didn’t you tell someone you broke the vase.”

The boy replies, “I didn’t think it would matter, it said it was priceless.”


Teacher Addresses A Student.

The teacher addresses a student and asks him: “How many kidneys do we have?”

“Four!,” The backbencher student responds.

“Four? Haha.”

The teacher was one of those who took pleasure in picking on his students’ mistakes and demoralizing them.

“Bring a bundle of grass, because we have a donkey in the room,” the teacher orders a frontbencher.”

“And for me a coffee!”, the backbencher student added.

The teacher was angry and kicked the student out of the room.

Leaving the class, the student still dared to correct the furious teacher: “You asked me how many kidneys we have.”

“We have four: two of mine and two of yours. ‘We have’ is an expression used for the plural. Enjoy the grass.”


Life demands much more understanding than knowledge.

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