Home Lifestyle A Man Walks Past A Beggar

A Man Walks Past A Beggar

A man walks past an elderly beggar every day and gives him $10 for a year.

Then suddenly the daily donation changes to $7.50.

“Well,” the elderly beggar thinks, “it’s still better than nothing.”

A year passes in this way until the man’s daily donation suddenly becomes $5.

“What’s going on now?” the elderly beggar asks his donor.

“First you give me $10 every day, then $7.50, and now only $5. What’s the problem?”

“Well,” the man says, “my eldest son went to university last year. It was very expensive, so I had to cut costs. My eldest daughter also went to university, so I had to cut my expenses even further.”

“And how many children do you have?” the elderly beggar asks.

“Four,” the man replies.

“Well,” says the old beggar, “I hope you don’t plan to educate them all at my expense.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!! 

An Old Man Walked Into a Jewelry Store

An older, white-haired man walked into a jewelry store one Friday night with a beautiful young girl by his side.

He told the jeweler he wanted a special ring for his girlfriend.

The jeweler looked through his stock and found a $5,000 ring.

The old man said, “No, I would like to see something special.”

The jeweler went to his special stock in the safe and brought another ring back.

“This one’s $40,000.”

The young woman’s eyes were sparkling and her whole body trembled with excitement.

The old man said, “I’ll take it!”

The jeweler asked how payment would be made and the old man said, “By check, but I know you need to make sure my check is good, I’ll write it now and you can call the bank on Monday to verify funds. I’ll pick up the ring on Monday afternoon.”

Monday morning the jeweler from the jewelry store called the old man and saying, “There is no money in that account!”

The old man said, “I know, I know, but let me tell you about the weekend I just had!


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!

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