Home Lifestyle A six-year-old cries to his Mother

A six-year-old cries to his Mother

A six-year-old cries to his Mother because his little sister pulled his hair.

“Don’t be angry,” the Mother says, “Your little sister doesn’t realize that pulling hair hurts.”

A short while later, there’s more crying, and the Mother investigates.

This time the sister is bawling and her brother says…

“Now she knows.”


L.Johnny Asks His Mother For $20.

Little Johnny asks his mother for $20.

His mother refuses, to which Johnny says, “If you give me $20, I’ll tell you what Dad said to the maid when you went shopping.”

Johnny’s mom says, “Okay Johnny, here’s $20. What did your Dad say to the maid?”

Johnny replies, “Hey Doris, can you make sure that I have a clean shirt for tomorrow.”


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