Home Lifestyle A Trip Back To High School: Solve this math equation!

A Trip Back To High School: Solve this math equation!

Take a look at the math puzzle below and see what you make of it. Also, check the clock before you start. How fast can you do this?

Ready to solve the equation?

Mull it over a few minutes and then write down your answer. Don’t cheat by scrolling down, however!

Alright, pencils down. Have you reached a solution? How fast did you get it?







Here is how we can break it down: 7(7-2×3) =?

– First of all, we need to start with solving the multiplication in the brackets 7 (7- 6)
– Then you solve the equation within the brackets 7 (1)
– Now you can continue with solving the multiplication: 7 x 1 =
– Now you have the solution to the equation: It’s 7


Can you find the hidden dog in this picture?

You have hawk eyes if you can find the hidden dog in 5 seconds. Test your observation skills by attempting this optical illusion challenge now!

Did you spot him?

If you didn’t, that’s okay.

Try again.

Still no sign of the Dog?

The answer is below.

If you want to see where it is, keep scrolling.

Or if you want to look one more time, now’s your chance to scroll back up.

Ready to see the answer?

Here it is:




Comment your answer below 👇