Home Lifestyle A white-haired old man walked into a jewelry store on a Friday.

A white-haired old man walked into a jewelry store on a Friday.

An old, white-haired man walked into a jewelry store on a Friday with a beautiful young lady at his side.

“I’m looking for a special ring for my girlfriend,” he said.

Our jeweler looked through our stock and took out an outstanding ring priced at $5,000.

“I don’t think you understand – I want something very unique,” the man said.

At that, our now very excited jeweler went and fetched our special stock from the safe. “Here’s one stunning ring at $40,000.”

The girl’s eyes sparkled, and the man said that he would take it.

“How are you paying?” asked our jeweler.

“I’ll pay by check, but of course, the bank will want to make sure that everything is in order, so I’ll write a check and you can phone the bank tomorrow, and then I’ll fetch the ring on Monday.”

Monday morning, our very disappointed jeweler phoned the man.

“You lied, there’s no money in that account.”

“I know, sorry, but can you imagine what a FANTASTIC weekend I had?”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

An old man was eating in a truck stop.

An old man was eating in a truck stop when three bikers walked in.

The first approached the old man, pushed his c-igarette into the old man’s pie, then sat down at the counter.

The second walked up to the old man, spit into the old man’s milk and then he took a seat at the counter.

The third approached the old man, turned over the old man’s plate, then sat down at the counter.

The onlookers were completely shocked by the behavior of the men, but the old man didn’t seem to be fazed in the slightest.

Without a word of protest, he quietly left the diner.

Shortly thereafter, one of the bikers said to the waitress, “Hm, not much of a man, was he?”

The waitress replied, “Not much of a truck driver either. He just backed his truck over three motorcycles.”


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