Home Lifestyle A Young Man Asked An Old Rich Man.

A Young Man Asked An Old Rich Man.

A young man asked a rich old man how he made his money.

“Well, son, it was 1932. The depth of the Great Depression. I was down to my last $10.

I invested that $10 in an apple. I spent the entire day polishing the apple and at the end of the day, I sold the apple for $20.

The next morning, I invested that $20 in two apples. I spent the entire day polishing them and sold them for $30 each.

I continued this system for a month, by the end of which I’d accumulated a fair fortune for back then…..

Then my wife’s father died and left us two $2 million dollars!”

An Old Man Is Selling Watermelon.

An old man is selling watermelons.

Its price list is 1 for $3, 3 for $10.

A young man walks by and asks for a watermelon. “That’d be 3 dollars”, says the old man.

The young man then buys another one, and another one, paying $3 for each.

As the young man walks away, he turns around, smiles, and says, “Hey old man, do you realize I just bought three watermelons for only $9? Maybe business is not your thing.”

The old man smiles and mumbles to himself, “People are funny. Every time they buy three watermelons instead of one, yet they keep trying to teach me how to do business…”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!

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