An elderly French woman owned a small shop in her village for many years until a supermarket opened across the street.
The supermarket put up bold signs advertising their prices, including one that said: Butter – $10.
In response, the old lady placed a sign in her window: Butter – $9.
The next day, the supermarket countered with a new sign: Butter – $8.
Not to be outdone, the old lady updated her sign: Butter – $7.
This price war continued until one of her customers, concerned, approached her and said,
“Madame, you can’t keep dropping your prices like this. Big supermarkets can afford it, but a small shop like yours will go bankrupt!”
Leaning in with a sly smile, the old woman whispered, “Sir, I don’t even sell butter.”
An Old Woman Is Riding In An Elevator.
An old woman is riding in an elevator in a lavish New York City Building.
When a young and beautiful woman walks into the elevator, smelling of expensive perfume.
She turns to the old woman and says arrogantly: “Ralph Lauren’s “Romance”, $150 an ounce! ”
Then another young and beautiful woman gets on the elevator and also looks very arrogantly turning to the old woman who says: “Chanel No. 5, $200 an ounce!”
About three floors later, the old woman has reached her destination and is about to get off the elevator.
Before leaving, she looks the two beautiful women in the eye, then bends over, farts, and says: “Broccoli. 49 cents a pound!”
Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!