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Can you solve this tricky riddle in less than 30 seconds?

When was the last time you put your brain to the test with a good ol’ brain teaser?

Riddles are a great way to exercise your mind, but what good is a riddle without an answer?

Come to the riddle today!

I have hundreds of wheels, but move I do not. Call me what I am; call me a lot. What am I?

Can you solve this riddle in less than 30 seconds?

Scroll down to check out the answer:




Answer: A parking lot.

Can You Solve This Fish Math Riddle In Less Than 120 Seconds?

Feeling tired? Do you need a little brain boost? So move your thoughts and try to answer this puzzle in less than a minute! The answer is at the end of the article.

If you think the answer is 1, then you’re wrong! We’ll tell you


First, fish live underwater so they can’t drown!

Second, they’re in a tank so it’s impossible for them to escape by swimming away.

And third, even if they die they’re still in the tank!

Now try again.

The answer is:




So the correct answer is 10! All of the fish are still in the tank. Did you get it right?

Comment your answer below 👇