Home Lifestyle Can you spot the odd piece of fruit in just 20 second?

Can you spot the odd piece of fruit in just 20 second?

Can you spot the rogue piece of fruit in this box of apples in 20 seconds?

This fruity problem is doing the rounds on social media but how quickly can you see the odd one out?

If you can not find it, Scroll down to see the reveal

How quickly can you find it?



scroll down to check the answer:




Can you find the cat hidden in this kitchen?

Can you find the cat hiding in this pic?

You’ll need patience – and maybe a magnifying glass – in order to decipher this difficult brainteaser.

Ready? Try your luck with the picture below then scroll down for the solution – and more puzzles.

Can you see him on the first try?

If you can’t, try again.

Still no sign of it?

That’s okay.

The answer is below.

If you want to see where it is, keep scrolling.

Or if you want to look one more time, now’s your chance to scroll back up.

Ready to see the answer?




Comment your answer below 👇