Home Lifestyle How many girls are there in this photo?

How many girls are there in this photo?

The image was first shared on Instagram and appeared to be a long line of girls sitting alongside each other with their heads turned in different directions.

The photo was taken by Swiss photographer Tiziana Vergari and uploaded in 2016. However, years later, people still can’t decide how many girls feature in the photo, reported Express.

There’s a mirror in the image, making it even more difficult to determine the number of people in the photo.

Thousands of social media users have posted comments giving their guesses, which range from two to 14 girls.

People have argued that a series of mirrors makes it seem that there are more people in the picture than there are.

The photo, which has been liked 14,400 times, was originally posted by Ms Vergari as part of an Instagram weekend hashtag project.

The photographer posted the photo with a caption reading: “Same but different”, leading many social media users to conclude there are two sets of twins in the image.





One Instagram user said: “4 girls. 2 sets of twins. The clue is in the description.”

Another wrote: “There’s four. Look at how the reflections are. If you see their face, the mirror shows the back of their head. If you see the back of the head, the mirror shows the face. The girls just look similar.”

Ms Vergari confirmed there are only two girls in the photo, who are believed to be her daughters.

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