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Little Johnny farts in the classroom

Little Johnny farts in the classroom

Little Johnny farts in the classroom and his teacher gets really upset and throws him out. He goes and sits outside the class and start laughing

The principal walks by him then asks:

“Little Johnny, why are you sitting outside your class laughing?”

“I farted in class and the teacher threw me out.” Said the Johnny.

The principal asks him again, “Well then, why are you laughing?”

“Because they are sitting in the class smelling my fart while I’m outside in the fresh air.

A redhead, a brunette, and a blonde go to Heaven.

A redhead, a brunette, and a blonde go to Heaven.

There are three girls. A redhead, a brunette, and a blonde. You are at the gates of heaven and God was waiting.

God said, “there are one hundred steps and for each step, there will be a joke if you laugh at it you go to hell.”

The redhead went first and got to joke eight before she busted up laughing she went to hell. The brunette went next and got to joke eighty-two before she busted up laughing so, she went to hell.

The blonde got to joke one hundred and started laughing before God told the final joke and said, “why are you laughing I haven’t even told the joke yet?”

The blonde said,” I just got joke 1.”