Home Lifestyle Little Johnny Goes to the Zoo

Little Johnny Goes to the Zoo

Little Johnny wanted to go to the zoo and pestered his parents for days.

Finally, her mother talked his reluctant father into taking him.

The little boy tells himself that there was quite a large number of horses at this zoo.

He wondered where all the other animals were but were still happy to see the horses.

“Great,” Little Johnny replied.

“So how was it?” his mother asked when they returned home.

“Great,” Little Johnny replied.

“Did you and your father have a good time?” His mother asked.

“Yes, Daddy especially liked it,” Little Johnny exclaimed enthusiastically, especially when one of the animals came home at 30 to 1!”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

Little Johnny Was In Class.

Little Johnny was in class and the teacher announced that they were going to try something different to help everyone get to know each other a little better, and to help with their spelling.

She asked the students to stand up and tell the class their father’s occupation, spell it, and say one thing he would give everyone if he were in the class with them.

Each student was excited to talk about their dad, and as soon as the teacher made her statement, hands began to go up, and she pointed at a girl to give her response.

The girl, Marcy, replied, “My father is a banker. B-A-N-K-E-R, and if he was here today, he’d give us all a shiny new penny.”

The teacher smiled at the well-presented answer and asked the students to clap for Marcy. She asked the class who would love to go next.

Jeff was the next student to try himself at the little class game, and he said, “My father is an accountant. A-K, no wait, A-C-K, no…”

While he continued struggling to spell it, the teacher interrupted him and asked him to take a minute to think about his response before standing up with his answer.

Little Johnny felt the time was right to give his answer, and raised his hand enthusiastically, hoping to be acknowledged by the teacher. The teacher asked little Johnny to go next.

Little Johnny said, “My father is a bookie. B-O-O-K-I-E, and if he were here today, he would give us all 20:1 odds Jeff will never be able to spell ‘accountant.'”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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