Home Lifestyle Only a few people manage to solve this tricky goldfish riddle

Only a few people manage to solve this tricky goldfish riddle

Quiz: How many fish are left?

Challenging yourself and seeing how far you can push your limits is enjoyable for most of us. Maybe it’s our competitiveness, but we take every opportunity to compare ourselves with other people, which is normal. It’s human nature.

This next quiz looks simple at first glance, but it is essential to have an open mind to solve it!

There are ten goldfish in a bowl

– 2 drown

– 4 suddenly die

– 3 swim away

How many goldfish are left in the bowl?

It is easy to believe that the answer is 1 fish. So 10 minus the ones who drowned, swam away, and died.

However, that’s wrong!





Because fish breathe underwater, they can’t drown. And since they are in a bowl, they can’t swim away either.

And if they die… yes, they still remain in the bowl. After all, that is the question – how many are left, not how many are alive.

In other words, the answer is 10!

Did you get it right? Congratulations to you in that case!