Home Lifestyle People these days have no clue what these are, but do you...

People these days have no clue what these are, but do you remember?

Future generations are totally unable to guess what some of those things we cherished back in the day were. Like these little ‘coins’…

But do you know what these were for?

You might know what these are if you’re over a certain age and reading this. Yes, they are “needle threaders,” which were a staple in any household.

Do you remember when little girls were taught to sew? These little guys were very helpful in helping to get the thread into the eye of a needle.

Every sewing kit had one of these, alongside a needle, tape measure, scissors, pins, and a pincushion.

I remember my mom teaching me how to use them, although I can’t say I was ever that efficient with them. Were you?

Here are some more trivia… Do you remember what it is? Leave your comments on Facebook if you can tell what they are… I recognized them right away too. Uh oh – does that mean I’m old?

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