Home Lifestyle There was a competition between a team of blondes and a team...

There was a competition between a team of blondes and a team of brunettes

There was a competition between a team of blondes and a team of brunettes to see who could catch the most fish while fishing on the ice.

Once the contest started, it was clear that the brunettes were going to win…

They kept pulling out fish after fish. Soon the blondes got worried and sent a member of their team to see what the brunettes were doing differently.

A few minutes later, the blonde comes running back.



“A hole! You need to put a hole in the ice!”

A Blonde putting 50 cents into a Soda machine

Blonde is standing in front of the soda machine at work and keeps putting in 50 cents and getting a soda.

After a while, with several sodas at her feet and a long line forming behind her, one of the other workers taps her on the shoulder and asks if she will be much longer because they want sodas too.

The blonde turns around and quite exasperated says, “duh, I am still winning…”