Home Lifestyle Today’s challenge: Which of these spirals has two parts?

Today’s challenge: Which of these spirals has two parts?

We all love riddles and train our brains, and it’s a good choice. Are you ready to wake up and face this puzzle?

It’s quite simple, but at the same time, it can get tricky. It is important to concentrate and coordinate your brain and eyes. Now we’ll see if you can do it, and to make it fair, you only have 10 seconds.

Which of these spirals has two parts?

Okay! Time for today’s challenge, an optical illusion. Below we can see a picture of two spirals.

But one of the spirals consists of two parts. Your task is to find out which one it is.

Are you ready? Here comes the picture.

Did you see it? As I said, it is essential to focus.

Were you unsuccessful? No problem, you are not alone. Below, we’ll reveal the correct answer.

Here is the two-part spiral

Okay, if you have which of the spirals has two parts, the answer will be revealed after the image below.

The correct answer is spiral B! We marked the parts in red and green to make it easier to see.

Quite a difficult puzzle, so if you reached the answer on your own, congratulations are in order!

Comment your answer below 👇